Show me the Defense money An army of $ 5 billion a year. How is Romania faring on the Eastern Flank, facing Russia Sea Shield, cel mai mare exercițiu naval al NATO din Marea Neagră, este condus de armata României. Sursa foto: NATO. Every year, about 1,000 lei are collected from each Romanian for the Army budget, if we were to humanize the statistics. Despite increased investments, the status of the Romanian Army is far from satisfactory for modern military needs.
INFOGRAFIC Banks in our lives Romania ranks 17th in the European Union in the number of ATMs per 100,000 adults and 12th when it comes to the number of bank branches per 100,000 adults.
INFOGRAFIC Global risk horizon The two years of the pandemic have severely affected the way companies constrain their risk strategies What two years ago was unlikely to happen has now become a topic of discussion and concern.
INFOGRAFIC COVID-19 vaccination landscape in Romania The vaccination rate recorded in early January in some counties was almost double compared to the beginning of October, 2021
INFOGRAPHICS 20 years later – The cost of 9/11 For every dollar Al-Qaeda terrorists spent to plan and carry out the September 11 attacks, the United States lost about 7 million dollars over the course of the next 10 years, according to a tally quoted by the New York Times.
INFOGRAPHIC Who receives a special pension in Europe Romania and Portugal are the countries with the moste professional categories to receuve a special pension in the European Union.